




Sovereign of Mahjong iPhone/iPad版

admin 2019-8-3 1272

此 App 專為 iPhone 和 iPad 設計

  • 免費
  • 分類: 遊戲
  • 發佈時間: 04 September 2012
  • 版本: 1.0
  • 大小: 30.6 MB
  • Language: English
  • 開發商: Cheng Yi Chen

限制 12歲以上,因為以下原因:

兼容性: Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.


臺灣十六張麻將遊戲經典之作, 震撼登場!歷史悠久的優美中國風音樂、不需等待立即開桌!多達數十種趣味成就等待玩傢來收集, 閒暇時間鍛鍊牌技最佳麻將遊戲首選, 挑戰iOS麻將樂趣的最大極限!,

在平凡無奇的一百四十四張牌面上, 可以組合出超過數千種的胡牌組合。手上的十六張牌, 決定瞭所有勝負關鍵!要如何運籌帷幄, 組出最佳牌型?都一再考驗玩傢的思緒以及智慧。,

《至尊麻將神》花費一年打造最擬真的AI系統, 絕不作弊的人工智慧, 將與玩傢進行一場鬥智又鬥力的頂尖對決。遊戲的精美設計、優雅的古典風味, 將帶給玩傢打麻將最極致的爽度與快感, 目的是給予玩傢們最爽快的麻將體驗。您, 準備好要來摸一圈瞭嗎?,

– 免連線!免等待!隨時隨地陪伴玩傢,鍛鍊牌技的最佳夥伴!
– 高達數十種的麻將成就等玩傢來收集,神秘的各式成就等待玩傢來滿足好奇心
– 逐步升級的稱號系統,隨著稱號提升會逐漸開放給玩傢更多的好處喔!
– 打牌不夠爽快嗎?形形色色的錦囊輔助道具,玩傢胡大牌再也不是夢!
– 曼妙優雅的古典中國音樂,引領玩傢逐步進入高深莫測,變幻多端的麻將世界
– 流暢的打牌環境,讓玩傢自由調整牌局進行速度,快慢自如都能任君選擇
– 不小心破產瞭怎麼辦?系統每日會補充3000金幣給玩傢,即使輸光瞭也不用擔心喔!

*****Sovereign of Mahjong is now totally free for a limited time only*****

Now, you don’t have to wait anymore~
here comes the most classic one of Taiwanese mahjong games with historical and elegant Chinese style background music, it’s going to hit the world! There are dozens of interesting achievement for you to play! To become the top mahjong player of great skill and challenge yourself to the best, it’s the first choice for strengthen your mahjong skills and even more you can experience fun iOS mahjong games.

●Description of game
The players will be touched by its pure breed Chinese style and the most classical Taiwanese mahjong game with 16 tiles. Mahjong is characterized by puzzle, pleasure, strategy and long-standing Asian culture. It’s fantastic that mahjong can be composed of more than thousands of winning combination just only with 144 tiles. The key to win or to lose all depends on the 16 tiles that players got. It’s challenging to think how to map out well and arrange the best combination.。

It took years to build the most virtual reality AI system. It’s a contest of wits without cheating problems. The exquisite design and elegant classic style of this game will give you the most pleasant and excited playing experience. Are you ready to join us ?

● Characteristics of game
– The players don’t have to wait for making it on-line! You can play it all the time as you want! It’s your best partner to help you train the great skill of playing mahjong.

– More than dozens of games make the players accomplish the tasks. You can be satisfied with many varied mysterious games.

– All the players who use our gradually update title system can be provided with great benefits by promoting their titles!

– Are you tired of being bored with the normal mahjong games? There are various
assistant tools for you to use in this brand-new mahjong game, the sovereign God of Mahjong. To achieve a remarkable success is so easy.

– The delicate and elegant classic Chinese music is going to guide you gradually through the fantastic and mysterious mahjong world.

– The players are allowed to adjust their playing speed of the game
in such an unhindered and comfortable playing environment.

-What if you are bankrupt?You don’t have to worry about it! It will supply3000 dollars for the players by the system itself every day. You can play this game with no worries.


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